Warrior Wisdom Wednesday — Entering a New Era

Rita Hudgens
3 min readDec 16, 2020

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life; it goes on.”Robert Frost

Life Goes On

What lens are you using to envision your life going on in 2021? Researchers believe, now more than ever, that people need to put their wellbeing and mental health on the forefront; to make them a priority. According to a recent survey, the Gallup Institute concluded that:

We are surely entering a new era where wellbeing and mental health support are no longer corporate perks or status symbols; they are simply requirements for doing business. Gallup Institute

The Power of Anticipation

What comes to mind when you think of your personal wellbeing and mental health? Obviously, resilience and grit are top priorities as is tapping into your creativity, resources, having solid routines in place, as well as practicing mindfulness.

However great these practices are, I’d like us to look deeper than that. Psychologists have told us for years that anticipation of powerful future events acts as a commanding force in our lives; especially during particularly stressful moments in time, such as the one we are currently living in.

When you have something positive to look forward to, it helps:

  • Combat defeating thoughts
  • Reduce stress
  • Motivates you to go on

So as you are looking forward to 2021, what lens are YOU using? Is it one of anticipation with solid action plans in place? Or is it one of resignation and defeat?

Dream Again

Imagine that during these unique times, you had a solid plan in place to help you combat stress, reduce anxiety, and boost your authentic energy.

Envision maximizing your strengths and creating solid motivation and goal attainment blueprints, all based on science.

Picture how your life would look armed with clarity and confidence; regardless of what dark and uncertain times may surround you.

You’re Invited

Because of the new era we live in, and the fact that experts have recognized that your wellbeing and mental health support is not a luxury but an essential component of life, I’ve created a few exciting offerings for you.

  • My Complimentary Inquiry Call is normally 15 minutes. I’ve extended it to 30 minutes to help you get clarity on what you need to have moving forward into 2021. No strings attached; no purchase necessary, it is my gift to you.
  • For those of you looking for Strength’s Based Coaching, I’m discounting my 6-month Maximizing Your Strengths Coaching Program 20%.
  • If you are a business owner or work in HR, my Virtual Live Training Programs: Transitioning into the Unknown with Confidence and Creating a Life of Flow and Balance are also discounted 20% to help you and your employees thrive.
  • Be the first to sign up for my brand new Motivation and Goal Attainment Program coming in February 2021 and receive a 20% discount.

*All offerings and discounts good until January 15, 2021.

I’d love to be a resource for you and share powerful tips and tools to help you expand your thinking and thrive in the reality of this new era that we are living in.

Be Ready and Equipped

Experiencing hardships and pain in life is a universal principle. However, your mindset determines HOW you will overcome those challenges.

Don’t settle for normal.


Originally published at https://www.transformuniversity.net on December 16, 2020.



Rita Hudgens

Personal Development Coach empowering individuals facing Inflection Points to Rise like Warriors and profess their Life Story. Founder of Transform University.